Venice's Enchanting Journey Begins: Test Ride Unveils the Whimsical Venice Flying Carousel
Monday, August 14, 2023 at 09:22PM
Fabian Lewkowicz

On Monday, August 14, 2023, the visionary creator and artist, Robin Murez, extended an exclusive invitation to sponsors and neighborhood guests for a test ride on the highly anticipated Venice Flying Carousel. Set against the picturesque backdrop of the Venice Canals, the private event provided a sneak peek into the enchanting world of this captivating carousel.

Crafted from basswood, the animals of the Venice Flying Carousel are a captivating ensemble of big animals, kiddie swings, and a chariot. What sets this carousel apart is its distinctive blend of Venice-themed, fabulous public art with an innovative twist: the carousel's propulsion mechanism is 100% human-powered fun and eco-friendliness.

True to its name, the 'Flying Horse' carousel animals gently soar through the air as they go 'round, offering an inviting experience for both adults and children.

The ultimate home of the Carousel is to be Venice’s Centennial Park: the perfect neighborhood site, adjacent to the public library and farmers market on Venice Boulevard. While awaiting its availability, Murez “pivoted” and had the mechanism constructed as a portable ride. It’s an ingenious design that folds down for transit and sets up on location. It’s solid steel, “over engineered by Al,” a seemingly simple design based upon centuries old carousels and provides a smooth ride. Being portable, the Carousel will now bring its soaring magic throughout the neighborhood. Today the Venice Canals, tomorrow perhaps a school, gallery, or library near you.

The Carousel measures 20 feet in diameter and features eight meticulously carved animals, a chariot for two, and five kiddie swings. The Venice Flying Carousel promises a magical ride for up to 15 riders at a time.

In this first “staging” of the completed Carousel, artists, engineers, the mechanism fabricator, and neighbors joined Murez at this canal location to raise the mast, assemble the arms, hang the animals, mount their golden name plaques, and add all the final details. In the coming weeks, hours and locations will be scheduled.

Drawing from a vibrant history of fascinating individuals, eclectic amusements, and delightful carousels, Venice welcomes the Flying Carousel as a testament to its innovative spirit. Spearheaded by “Legendary Woman Artist of Venice” Robin Murez, renowned for her public art installations that grace the town. This project harmonizes creativity, expertise, and community engagement.

This is truly an interactive kinetic public art masterpiece – a carousel that goes beyond mere entertainment. From camels to rocket ships, the carousel creatures promise not only an exhilarating ride but also engaging tales of Venice's vibrant past interlaced with personal stories of the Venice families who “adopted” the animals. Here are a few:

The Carousel will enjoy a “soft opening.” This Thursday it will be open for the Venice Art Crawl from 6-8pm. See for details.

To schedule visits or invite the Carousel to your location, contact:

The Venice Flying Carousel is a 501c3 not-for-profit CA Corporation. It is funded through tax-deductible cash and pro-bono donations.

Article originally appeared on Santa Monica Close-up (
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